On January 31, 1983, Spider Kelly - as was their custom at the time - once again performed live on a Monday night at Jimmy McGee's in Huntington Beach, CA. On this occasion however, the entire night was videotaped by an excellent video crew, and the resulting footage was edited down and produced as a 50 minute concert program for cable TV. Additionally, this DVD contains several classic 'access' videos: Spider Kelly's funny no-budget garage video of The Creeper, People 2B's Fight For Your Life (starring S.K. crew- baby Jeff Sterzer), and the homemade family video classic The Bad Boy. Also included: Spider Kelly doing two songs live at the Concert Factory. In spite of some low-budget editing, this compilation is highly amusing and very musical. Now that's entertainment!

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Also available: Spider Kelly @ Geezerfest 2004

Peace and good stuff,
John @ Musclehead Music Productions

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by Musclehead Music Productions
copyright 2005